Fight Fortress Europe Infotour

20.10.2022 19:00 — 21:30 Uhr

München Bellevue di Monaco

Fight Fortress Europe!

On Thursday, 20th October at 7 p.m. polish activists will screen a movie at Bellevue di Monaco, talk about their work and experiences and come into exchange with you!

The activists want to invite you for a meeting with people active on the Polish Belarussian border. Last year, the eastern European migration route was modified and established once again. There is still a lot of people who are trying to cross the border, despite a huge military presence and the creation of a highly controlled wall. People on the move and activists face serious repressions from the government. The activists experienced all kinds of brutality that they know from other European borders.

The group of activists want to tell you what was happening last year, about the current situation on the border, how the support structures look like and what challenges they have to face in the upcoming future. In addition, they will screen a movie to show impressions of the last year.

To support the group directly you can bring money, powerbanks, and mobiles.

The movie and talk will be in English. If anyone needs or would like to offer translation into other languages, feel free to contact us!