Wir sagen: Abolish Frontex!

26.10.2024 16:00 — 18:00 Uhr

Regensburg Neupfarrplatz

Frontex wird 20 Jahre alt
Und seit 20 Jahren ist Frontex für tausende Tote im Mittelmeer verantwortlich
Wir sagen: Abolish Frontex!
Gemeinsam wollen wir mit euch auf die Straße gehen und auf die Verbrechen von Frontex aufmerksam machen!


For 20 years, Frontex has been responsible for the mass deaths of migrants in the name of European security. Frontex deliberately pushes refugees back into the sea, leaving them to drown. Frontex hands over refugees to militias that imprison them in torture camps and enslave them. Frontex has close cooperation with arms manufacturers and plans to deploy ten thousand heavily armed border guards by 2027.

We cannot allow this to happen; every anniversary of this organization is one too many. We are sad, and we are angry. It is precisely this that must give us the strength to fight against Fortress Europe.

We demand:
The abolition of Frontex
Full support for refugees instead of deportation camps
Freedom of movement instead of militarized borders
Safe escape routes
The right to stay instead of deportations
Solidarity with all migrants

Let us express our anger and solidarity together on October 26, 2024, at 4:00 PM at Neupfarrplatz. After an initial rally and a short demonstration, several organizations will invite you to visit their information booths at Neupfarrplatz.

Signed by: Sea-Eye Regensburg, Campus Asyl, Bündnis gegen Abschiebelager, Seebrücke Regensburg, BI Asyl, SoliAsyl