
We want Recke to become a safe Harbour! We have got the space to rescue people from the terrible refugee camps, especially in Greece.

We demand that our local community stands up for stronger programs to legally rescue refugees in order to help people independently as well.

It must signalize explicitly that it is willing to take in more people than before.
It must provide all resources necessary for human care and social participation and integration and it must stand up for secure perspectives of the people to stay.

In the District Steinfurt and at state and federal level, Recke has to stand up for North Rhine Westfalia to rescue people from the sealed off camps at the external borders of the EU and for it to make an end to the blockage by the federal minister of the interior.

People that are in need in Recke and the district Steinfurt must be accommodated in flats inthe cities and towns, not outside of it and sealed off of the publicity. We demand the abolition of ‘central accommodation facilities’ North Rhine Westfalia.

Recke must prove humanity and decency and thus join Seebrücke as a safe Harbour.